2018 Training of Trainers (ToT)

2018 Training of Trainers (ToT) for to Build capacity for Establishment of National Frameworks for Climate Services across Sahel in Africa

Dates: February 6-9, 2018

Venue: Niamey, Niger (ACMAD’s headquarters)

The need for improved understanding/ prediction of the climate system, provision and use of climate information to increase resilience in vulnerable sectors of society and economy is recognized as a major challenge in the process to combat climate change.

The Project for Climate Services for Increased Resilience in Sahel (CSIRS) funded by USAID and Norwegian Refugee Council was developed under the leadership of the Global Framework for Climate Services at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to enable better management of risks and opportunities arising from climate variability and change by strengthening climate services provision capacities of Regional Climate Centres and National Meteorological Services over the Sahel region of Africa.

The WMO designated Regional Climate Centre at the African Centre for Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD) , the National Meteorological Services of Niger, Burkina Faso and Senegal are implementing partners of the project.
La formation va renforcer les capacités des experts de la région pour l’appui à l’évaluation des capacités des pays sur les services climatologiques, la préparation et l’organisation des consultations nationales des acteurs sur les services climatiques et le développement des plans de mise en Å“uvre et budgets pour fournir des services climatiques de qualité au niveau national. La formation permettra aux participants de se familiariser avec les Guides de mise en place d’un Cadre National pour les Services Climatiques et de développement du service, les méthodes et les outils d’évaluation des capacités des acteurs, d’échanger sur les meilleures pratiques et les leçons apprises sur la création des CNSCs déjà existants, la sensibilisation, la participation, la collaboration et le partenariat multidisciplinaire utile pour des services climatiques durables.
The ToT is an activity of CSIRS project designed to equip the region with experts having the required competencies to support planning and establishment of National Frameworks for Climate Services (NFCS) through a series of consultation workshops or events across Africa.

NFCS is a multi-disciplinary and multi institutional collaborative mechanism at the national level involving NMHSs and their stakeholders to provide climate services to combat climate change therefore contributing to sustainable development. Establishment of NFCS is essential for the implementation of the Paris agreement, the Sendai framework for Disaster Risks Reduction and the sustainable development goals at National level.


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